I-275 Bike Path: Getting Clean and Improved

Some segments of the bike path are in such repair that they've been closed

Some segments of the bike path are in such repair that they've been closed

The 44-mile long I-275 Bike Path is getting some love.

For the next two Saturdays, the Friends of the I-275 Bike Path are hosting trail cleanup days. The details are below.

If you ever ride on the I-275 Pathway, now is the time to pitch in and get it in shape for the spring & summer riding season! The Friends of the I-275 Pathway are organizing cleanup dates the next two weekends.

The first is Saturday, April 18th, from 9 a.m. to noon. We’ll be gathering on the west side of the Duo-gard parking lot in Canton Twp. at 40442 Koppernick (just east of Haggerty).

The second is the following Saturday, April 25th, same time. We’ll meet up at the rest area on northbound I-275 north of Michigan Ave.

Power tools are not permitted, so bring brooms, rakes, shovels, pruners, tree-loppers, or any kind of hand tool to trim trees, cut back brush and pick up litter. Wear long sleeves and pants. Water and a light snack will be provided. In case of rain, the workdays will be pushed back to the following Sunday.

If you have any questions contact Dave Duffield (248-994-3074, dduffield@lmb.org)

And as we mentioned earlier, this trail is receiving economic stimulus funding for some significant and much needed reconstruction. There’s $4 million to start with a possibility of getting another $5 million later.

Today Metromode ran an article with some additional details how what reconstruction will occur and where.

The Michigan Department of Transportation plans to spend about $4 million rebuilding portions of the hiking/biking path along I-275 in Plymouth and Canton townships. The improvements will include new signage for the trail and bringing it up to Americans with Disability Act standards.

The I-275 Bike Path has suffered a lot of wear and tear since it was built in the 1970s. Its 44 miles stretching between Northville and Frenchtown Township have watched erosion, decay and mother nature wreak havoc on the trail, making some parts impassable.

Someday this trail is going to be the fundamental piece of a 200-mile trail beltway encircling Metro Detroit. With funding and volunteer help, we can make this a reality.

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2 Responses to “I-275 Bike Path: Getting Clean and Improved”

  1. Todd Scott Says:

    Update from Sumoe:
    Sorry about the earlier reminder. We had to switch to parking at the old Don Pablos’ restaurant in front of the Home Depot on Ford Road east of I-275. Still from 9a-1p. Bring your bikes, skates, razors or just good shoes to get to the work area, as it is about 1/4 mile in. We will transport your tools to the work area for you, so bring what you can: metal-tined leaf rakes, brooms, shovels, loppers, pruners. Gardening or work gloves need to be worn, and we can provide them if you don’t have any. We will also be providing water and granola bars, and the opportunity to be outside doing SOMETHING GREAT for the community on a beautiful day! See you there!

  2. More Metro Detroit trail news | m-bike.org Says:

    […] mentioned earlier that the I-275 bike path (now called the I-275 Metro Trail) received $4 million in stimulus funding for reconstruct the trail from Michigan Avenue to Hines Drive. However, it did not get any round […]

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