David Byrne biking on Eight Mile

Bicycle Diaries by David Byrne
Though not on the bookshelves yet, the Observer has a review of David Byrne’s new book, Bicycle Diaries.

From the review:

Byrne has cycled in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Manila and Sydney… Even more impressively, he once cycled from the centre of Detroit to the suburbs, through, as he puts it in his inimitably understated way, “some funky but at least inhabited neighbourhood”. He describes the experience of cycling along “Eminem’s now famous Eight Mile Road”, where the desolation makes him think of postwar Berlin, as “one of the most memorable bike rides I’ve ever taken”.

We’re looking forward to reading the book when it’s released this September.

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One Response to “David Byrne biking on Eight Mile”

  1. New federal funding source for Active Transportation? | m-bike.org Says:

    […] Next Tuesday is a Brookings/ National Association of City Transportation Officials bicycling event in Washington DC. Congressman Blumenauer is a guest speaker and may likely discuss this new funding opportunity. (Yes, David Bryne will be there as well. I’ll invite him to ride in Detroit again.) […]

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