Cleveland: raising the bike advocacy bar

The recent Cleveland protests over the Ohio Department of Transportation ignoring cycling certain echoes recent experiences with MDOT. From their Fort Street project to a Michigan Avenue repaving to the I-94 expansion, MDOT is ignoring Detroit’s non-motorized transportation master plan — a topic on the agenda for the next MDOT Metro Region non-motorized meeting in March.

But back to Cleveland, their protest has a cool video and song. Maybe that’s what we need to better get our basic message out.

We don’t need non-credible excuses or a willingness to listen. We need a consistent commitment to make Detroit a better place to walk and bike.

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3 Responses to “Cleveland: raising the bike advocacy bar”

  1. Everett Says:

    I hate to be crass, but the feeling of being ignored by local governments is one of the main indirect reasons that young people are leaving Michigan, and probably Ohio too, for areas like Portland, Austin, et al. Those cities tend to have smaller, more responsive governments ready to embrace new ideas. Hopefully, Detroit is paying attention this time.

  2. Everett Says:

    Oh, and nice video BTW. Always great to see positive advocacy messages.

  3. Everett Says:

    Oh, and nice video BTW. Always great to see a positive advocacy message.

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