Two Trail Conferences for October
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009The 2009 Oakland County Trail Summit: By Land, By Water is scheduled for October 8th at the Proud Lake State Recreation Area near Milford.
The details and agenda are on the registration page. Note that this event is limited to 150 registrants.
Later in the month (October 25th through the 28th) is the Mid-America Trails and Greenways Conference in Kalamazoo.
There is less than two weeks left to get the early registration price.
Here are some additional conference details from Nancy Krupiarz, executive director for the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance:
The 4th Mid American Trails & Greenways creates an excellent opportunity for all those involved in trails and greenways to share our experiences learn from each other and continue connecting our trails and greenways.
Sponsored by eight Mid America states of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky, and supported by a host of national, state, regional and local trail agencies and organizations, the conference will feature interactive educational sessions and exciting mobile workshops bringing together the best presenters from Mid America and the nation. An update on the state of trails and greenways in Mid America will be followed by informative sessions that will look at all aspects of trail and greenway development and operations.
An exhibit area with more than forty exhibitors displaying their products and services will be a part of this event!
In my job at MTGA, I’ll be presenting on our trail and greenway efforts in Detroit.
After the conference, we’re looking at meeting in Detroit to discuss a new Adventure Cycling bike route we are developing. It will be a spur off of their existing Underground Railroad route and will extend from Ohio, through Detroit, into Windsor, and over to Toronto. We’ll also be discussing the U.S. Bicycle Route System and how it might be routed through Detroit.