Posts Tagged ‘Strategic Framework Plan’

Detroit Works Project: a blueprint for more biking?

Monday, January 24th, 2011

The Detroit Works Project — the city’s plan for re-imagining itself — has scheduled the next series of public meetings.

But before talking about those, let’s admire this graphic taken from the front page of the Detroit Works web site. No, we didn’t create that graphic nor did we bribe anyone.

And, the Detroit Works team has summarized the comments given during the first round of public meetings.

If you thought Detroiters were indifferent about their future, you’d be wrong. The first five meetings had 4,500 people and produced 1,916 verbal comments and 1,451 comment cards.

Our favorite statistic?

There were many comments on transportation with 42% of those expressing a desire for light rail and 31% making suggestions around improvements for bicycles.

Apparently Detroiters aren’t indifferent about their bicycling infrastructure either!

The next series of public meetings are listed on the Detroit Works web site. They run from January 27th through February 16th. Unlike the first meetings, these are geographically based. They are asking that you attend the meeting that is closest and most convenient to you. Note that space is limited.

The Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance has written summaries on greenways and Complete Streets for the Works Project. The plan is to distribute these summaries (and others) to those attending these upcoming meetings. Doing that should help help build community awareness.

Re-imaging Detroit with the Strategic Framework Plan

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Don’t call it downsizing or right sizing.

The planning effort to redefine and rebuild Detroit is officially called the Strategic Framework Plan.

There is an initial set of five “Community Dialogue Forums” planned around Detroit. These meetings are a opportunity for cyclists to make sure the resulting plans include biking, greenways, Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School and more.

The Framework planning team does have copies of the city’s non-motorized plan and the Detroit Greenway Vision. Still, it would be helpful for them to hear directly from residents about the important role of bicycling in Detroit’s future.

Those community meetings are:

Doors will open at 6 p.m. for all weekday meetings, with the meeting program from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Doors will open at 10 a.m. for the Saturday meeting, with the meeting program from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.