Ram Trucks rewarded one small business owner with the first official test drive of the new Ram C/V – customized especially for his unique mobile business needs. Watch as “The Bike Doctor” takes the pulse of the capability and versatility of the Ram C/V -the perfect prescription for any small business.
There’s a video with the Doc and his new van on the Ram web site as well.
There’s been an uptick in bike-related video in Detroit lately. Here are four from the past week.
Ballpark bicyclist makes Comerica Park stop
First is the story of Darren O’Donnell from Washington who’s riding to all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums. This video interview is from Comerica Park:
Suburban Businessman Biking Streets Of Detroit
Next is a ClickonDetroit news video of a cyclist who is riding every single street in Detroit. The city owns about 2,500 miles of streets. Throw in the county and state roads and it’s clear what a commitment this is.
Detroit’s Breezee One and Bike Chase
This is a fun video to start your weekend. It looks like it was shot before all the bike lanes were installed in Southwest Detroit this summer.
This is real interesting video of a custom bike with an enclosed cab. It includes a radio, rear storage, lights, and a windshield wiper. One thing that’s not clear is how the rider gets inside the cab.
Here’s a corny but cute video from MDOT that is “intended to help people explore alternate modes of transportation.”
Their timing is great given that May is National Bike Month and that gas prices are reaching new records in Michigan. According to an unscientific Free Press on-line survey given last month, over 60% of the respondents said they were “making changes to their living habits.” Perhaps more will discover biking as cost effective transportation.
But at the risk of sounding hypercritical, why is Wally wearing an orange safety vest during the day? Is cycling that unsafe that you can’t ride to the neighborhood coffee shop without one? It’s too bad he didn’t look a little more normal. That said, at least he’s not wearing spandex.
Below is the MDOT press release announcing the video and theirĀ micommute web page.
CONTACT: Janet Foran, MDOT Office of Communications, 517-335-7176 foranj@michigan.gov
Josh DeBruyn, MDOT bicycling and pedestrian coordinator, 517-335-2918
MDOT promotes bicycling on new Web site and YouTube
May 5, 2011 — As National Bike to Work Week (May 16-20) approaches, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is promoting a new video about the benefits and savings of bicycling on the MDOT YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/MichiganDOT. It is part of the new “Mi Commute” Web site that includes tips and tools to help with the cost of commuting. The Web site www.michigan.gov/micommute explores bicycling, public transportation, and other modes of travel that may help commuters save precious gas dollars.