Making Detroit More Green

detroit-gets-greenDetroit now has an Office of Energy and Sustainability.  Mayor Ken Cockrel made the exciting announcement yesterday.

From Crain’s:

Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr. said Wednesday he plans to create green jobs and save the city money through a new emphasis on environmental issues.

“Today, we are all a bit more sensitive to the environment,” Cockrel said in making the announcement, “in part because we know the importance of being environmentally conscious, but also because we can enhance economic development in the City of Detroit while generating new jobs by being environmentally aware.”

This is great news from a cycling perspective since we’re obviously a very green solution.

And, in fact, this office is somewhat of an offshoot from Mayor’s Green Task Force, and before that, the Council President’s Green Task Force.  It was the latter that helped us get Detroit’s non-motorized transportation master plan moving through city government.

So, we expect this office has a role in making Detroit more bicycle friendly, and as a result, more green.

MyFoxDetroit has a video story covering this announcement.  The Detroit News, Free Press, and ClickonDetroit also covered this event.

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One Response to “Making Detroit More Green”

  1. Streetsblog » Cyclists Demand Civil Rights in LA Says:

    […] and infrastructure (even if the mainstream media wants to ignore it), while M-Bike in Detroit notes the creation of a municipal office of Energy and […]

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