Michigan stands to lose millions in trail funding

The federal transportation bill (SAFETEA-LU) contained a provision whereas unspent transportation money could be pulled back from the states. It’s called a rescission and it took affect at the end of last month.

According to the Federal Highway Administration, Michigan is set to lose nearly $257 million in transportation funding.

Some of these transportation funds help us build non-motorized facilities and trails.

The biggest funding source is Transportation Enhancements. It’s helped build trails like the Conner Creek Greenways and Clinton River Trail. It’s also helping fund new bike lanes across Michigan.

According to an MDOT estimate, that fund is set to $13.1 million due to the rescission.

Another funding source is the Recreational Trails Program, which is administered by the DNR. With a rescission, the fund could lose $1.9 million.

Other federal transportations programs such as Safe Routes to School may also lose money.

Michigan is not alone on this. Other states are making similar cuts. Congress could override this rescission, but it’s not looking too likely at this time.

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One Response to “Michigan stands to lose millions in trail funding”

  1. Streetsblog San Francisco » Just Give Us a Place to Park Our Bikes Says:

    […] the city's Bike Commute Challenge. Transit Miami has the news on a master plan for bikes there. And M-Bike.org talks about how Michigan stands to lose millions in funding for bike […]

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