Palmer Woods tweaks road closure for bicycling

Hats off to the Palmer Woods Association and Hamilton-Anderson for making changes to the proposed street closure at Strathcona and Woodward.

The new design still prohibits motor vehicles from entering Palmer Woods, while accommodating bicyclists and pedestrians.

The other road closures on Woodward and Seven Mile won’t have a major impact on area bicyclists as there are other options. That really wasn’t the case for Strathcona.

Hopefully in the near future, the Complete Streets planning for Woodward can make it more welcoming for less confidant cyclists. A two-way, physically-separated bike lane from Eight Mile to McNichols would be one possible solution.

Other improvements

The Palmer Woods Association is also making other changes in the neighborhood, including adding internal traffic diverters (with accommodations for bikes), repaired sidewalks, and improved lighting. They are one of the three areas targeted under the Detroit Works Project. The work done here can serve as models for other neighborhoods in Detroit.

Actually, this street closure is a model for other areas throughout Metro Detroit and beyond.

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