Posts Tagged ‘movie’

Bikes and Movies: We are Traffic

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

The group Bikes and Murder is presenting a free showing of the movie We Are Traffic which “chronicles the history and development of the Critical Mass bicycle movement – one of the most spirited and dynamic social/political movements of the apathetic 90s.”

The movie is showing tonight, Saturday April 2nd at 7pm in the Boll Family YMCA in Downtown Detroit, 1401 Broadway.

We will be forwarding this information to Rob Morosi, a spokesperson for MDOT.

In a recent Metromode article about an MDOT road project in Rochester Hill, Morosi gave the following quotes:

“When we’re developing a Complete Street project we’re required to meet with the local community to take into account non-motorized uses and facilities. The idea is to make it a more walkable community,” says MDOT spokesman Rob Morosi.

“Even before the Complete Street legislation we would meet with local communities to see if there’s something we can include that the local community has always wanted but has been prohibited to do because of the way the road is constructed,” he says.

This M-59-Crooks project is “a great example of what we’re doing to address that,” he says. “So now people riding their bikes or walking won’t be in conflict with traffic…People can ride, their bikes, Rollerblade, walk safely.”

First, from what we’ve learned, this project is not a Complete Street. MDOT is simply adding sidewalks. In fact, the bridge itself will be less bikeable when this project is completed because it will no longer have a wide curb lane. It will not have bike lanes.

Second, we aren’t in “conflict with traffic.” We are traffic.

Critical Mass + Pints + Movies

Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Tomorrow, August 27th is another Critical Mass Ride in Detroit. The rides leaves at 7 PM from the corner of Trumbull and Warren.

As you may know Critical Mass rides began in San Francisco. On Facebook, 1,233 people like the San Francisco Critical Mass compared with 979 for Detroit’s. It’s surprisingly those numbers are not that far apart.

There are thee other events planned in conjunction with the tomorrow’s ride in Detroit.

First is a Pre-Critical Mass Ride that begins at 5pm at the Rivard Plaza on the RiverWalk.

Second is an Aftermass Firkin Ride with $2 Motor City Brewing Weeks Firkin pints at the Cass Cafe, Park Bar, Foran’s, and Third Street Saloon.

And third is movie night at the beautiful Peck Park. According to Wheelhouse Detroit:

We are happy to partner with Walk-in Theatre to present a double feature of TRON and Breaking Away this Friday night! Come after Critical Mass!